Get a FREE Pass NOW, so you don’t miss out!

Countdown to the Start of the Summit:


We all work to provide value for our customers and continuously improve our processes.  The Virtual Lean Summit is designed to provide you with a wealth of practical applications that you can use right away at work.  Come learn visual problem-solving skills that will help give you an edge in your work.  This summit is for those new to Lean as well as the seasoned professionals.  Learn skills, frameworks, and tools that will help you improve what you have to offer others.This event will bring together the some of the best Lean and business experts in the world to reveal to you what the top companies and consultants are doing to create a Lean culture.

The Virtual Lean Summit is FREE to attend.

  • FREE* ONLINE EVENT | JULY 19-24, 2021

Join people just like YOU from around the world and strengthen your ability to identify problems, creatively solve those problems, and then manage the implementation of your solutions to add customer value, process efficiency and effectiveness, and empower your teams TODAY!

* Every day during the 19th-24th of July, 2021 Summit, you’ll receive an email with the link to watch the free videos that day. The videos will be locked after 24 hours. You will also be provided with opportunity to purchase the “All-Access Pass” package and watch all sessions anytime.

our Agenda with our Featured Experts Is still being developedCheck Back Frequently To see who else we’ve added

DAY 1 – Lean Visual Problem-Solving Tools

Jared Thatcher & Guests

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th, @ 6:30-7:30 AM PST

The Virtual Lean Summit Kick-Off Live Session (with live audience interaction)

Professor David A. Shore

LIVE KEYNOTE SESSION: Monday, July 19th, @ 7:30-9:00 AM PST | 10:30-12:00 PM EST

KEYNOTE: A Scalable Framework for Problem Solving, Change, and Sustainability

Bjarne Berg Wig

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th, @ 9:00 AM PST | 

Meet the Future with Better Organizational Learning

Kiran Kachela

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th, @ 9:00 AM PST | 12:00 PM EST

The Problem Solving Journey – Key Visual Tools You Need

Jorge Luis Fonseca

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

Lean and the Balanced Scorecard to Manage Your Business

Tracy Defoe

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

Kata-Curious: Develop Your Meta-Skills

Zach Bennett


Topic Coming Soon

Michelle Hlywa

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

The Cardinal Rule: My Lean Journey to Redemption

Horia Slușanschi


The Magic of the A3

Ritsuo Shingo

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

A Conversation About Lean Leadership

Mike Denison

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

Turning to Science in Problem Solving

Roel Blankers


Lean Meets Process Mining: Process Improvements in a Digital Age

Rick Bohan


The Power of Lean Self-Reviews

Muhammad Khurram


TPM a Way Forward Towards Zero Accidents, Zero Waste, Zero Breakdowns, and Zero Defects

Manoel de Queiroz Cordon Santos

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

Seeing the Invisible

Samuel Crescêncio

LIVE SESSION: Monday, July 19th

Facing change! How to Align Strategy, Management and Engineering to Maximize Value Delivery

DAY 2 – Design Thinking & Innovation Problem-Solving Tools

JC Quintana

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th

Design Thinking – Creative Problem-Solving

Tim Hampton

PRE-RECORDED SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th

What is SCAMPER? How to Use Seven Distinct Approaches to Visualize Creative Solutions to Problems

Bella Englebach

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th, 

How Design Thinking Works with the PDCA Cycle

Elisabeth Swan

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

The Power of Improv to Improve

Gemma Jones

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

Yes You Can Draw!!! Improving Your Visual Process Mapping

Erlin Kakkanad

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

Effective Facilitation: Getting the Most Creative Solutions from Your Workshops

Digna Peña

PRE-RECORDED SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

The Process of Organizing the Voice of the Client

Sarah Ajani

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

Design Sprints: Discovering New Products in your Innovation Sweet Spot

Simon Banks

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

Design Doing: Identifying the Right Problem and Creating Empathy with the Customer

Patrick Adams

LIVE SESSION: Tuesday, July 20th,

Lean Product Development Events: Steps to Drive Innovation and Transformation in Your Business

DAY 3 – Storytelling & Change Management For Buy-In

Ira Koretsky

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

Storytelling: The Power of Stories to Create Buy-In

Tamar Nelson

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

Why Lean? Answering the Question for Leadership

Derek McIntire

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

The Turnaround of a 40 Year Old Manufacturing Facility – The 3 Phases Utilized

Dr. Yasmeen Ahmad

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

How to Use Lean Principles to Innovate & Transform

Scott DeFries

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

Using The Psychology of Sales to Get Buy-In

Paul Critchley

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

Storytelling: Creating Instant Credibility

Andrew Koenig

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

A CEO’s Storytelling Journey to Implement Lean

Rich Sheridan

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

The Menlo Innovations Story

Waleed Mazen

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday

Convening People to Implement Lean?

Samantha Barr

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday 

The Moven Change Story Framework: The Impact of Using a Change Management Canvas

Lee Rubin

LIVE SESSION: July 21th, Wednesday

KEYNOTE: Storytelling to Build Stronger Teams

DAY 4 – Agile Visual Problem-Solving Tools

Horia Slusanschi

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

PANEL DISCUSSION: Agile & Lean a Harmony of Mindsets

Arman Grigoryan


Agile Metrics and Their Usage in Day-to-Day Activities

Serge Huybrechts


Agile Project Management – Making Work Visible

Allison Greco

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

Improvement at the Speed of Pandemic

Laura Chang

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

Using Agile to Improve Customer Experience

Pamela Dukes

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

Applying Lean & Agile to You

Pumeet Thakur

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

The Power of User Stories to Empower Action

Ole Hopp

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

Topic Coming Shortly

Thiago Cavalho

LIVE SESSION: Thursday, July 22

Topic Coming Shortly

DAY 5 – Kata Coaching, Leadership Coaching, & TWI

Paul Dunlop

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Leadership Kata – How to Coach Leaders for Results

Adam Lawrence

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

The Wheel of Sustainability: Making Improvements Stick

Mike Denison

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

The Role of a Leader in Problem-Solving: The Psychology of Leadership

Sonia K. Singh

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

How to Ask Questions to Influence When Coaching

Jamie V. Parker

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Coaching: From Doing to Coaching

Dennis Gawlik

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Executive Coaching: The Subtle Art of Managing Up

Jenn Tankanow

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

The Power of the Skills Matrix for Engaging Teams

Vanessa Harrison-Chambers

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Building Team Boards to Sustain and Improve

Panos Efsta

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

TWI: The Emergent Properties of an Improvement System

Alan Parsley

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Coaching Leaders to Implement Lean

D.J. Kim

Friday, July 23, Prerecorded Session

Topic Coming Shortly

Drasko Zivkovic


Title Coming Soon

DAY 6 [BONUS DAY] – Career Development

Naiz Malik

LIVE SESSION: May 30th, Saturday @ 7:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM EST  |  5:30 PM CEST

KEYNOTE: Adversity is Essential for Growth: You Control Your Attitude

Joshua B. Lee

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 11:30 AM PST | 1:30 PM CST

Leveraging LinkedIn to Find Your Next Opportunity

Max Chan

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

A Conversation About Job Searching, Career Mapping, and Everything Inbetween

Derek McIntire

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

Transitioning Career from Executive/Senior Management to Non-Executive/Independent Director [UK] or Board Director [USA]

Serge Huybrechts

PRE-RECORDED SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

Career Development in an Agile Way

Stacy Fenner

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday

What Comes Before the Resume? Aligning Your Values and Your Personal Brand

Sam Morgan

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

What’s the Point? Discovering Your Purpose

Paul Dunlop

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

PANEL DISCUSSION: How to Find Your Next Dream Position

Dennis Gawlik

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

PANEL DISCUSSION: How to Find Your Next Dream Position

Laura Chang

LIVE SESSION: July 24th, Saturday 

PANEL DISCUSSION: How to Find Your Next Dream Position

Now You’re Probably Wondering, What EXACTLY Will I Get Out Of Attending This Virtual LEAN Summit?

Great question, and I’m glad you asked.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover by joining the Free VIRTUAL LEAN SUMMIT:

  • How to adapt quickly to meet the changing needs of customers and solve their problems
  • Get access to the Virtual Summit Playbook, a guide to the speakers, their topics, templates, and key takeaways to help you retain the sessions
  • The best tools to create employees that are problem solvers not problem avoiders
  • Discover a system to generate more savings for your business than you thought possible
  • Get the big reveal of dozens of the top tools that business leaders from around the world are using to visually solve their problems
  • Learn hundreds of the best practice tips and tools that teams use to collaboratively solve problems

How’d You Like To Access 60+ World-Class Business & Industry Leaders Helping  You to VISUALLY PROBLEM-SOLVE in these Masterclasses?

These sessions will show you business strategies that top people in the industry use and recommend to help transform their business so that you’ll be able to VISUALLY PROBLEM-SOLVE any issue. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.


Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers Actionable Content

Never before seen Lean business strategies explained by the top Lean experts from around the world hand-picked just for the VIRTUAL LEAN SUMMIT.

You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House (Okay, I know we would like to, but think of the $ savings) — Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet

There’s no flight or hotel room to book… saving you thousands of dollars, unpaid work leave, and time away from your family.  A similar conference line-up would cost over $3,000 (US) to attend, but you’ll get the same content for FREE…

World-Class Quality Content

This is not your ordinary online event. We take pride in delivering you the absolute best content so that you can get great value and achieve actionable results.  Nearly every industry leader I’ve asked to be part of this summit has gladly given of their time and talents to help you to improve your skills.

Join the LinkedIn Virtual Lean Summit Community Group

This is more than just being able to watch world-class masterclasses, this exclusive LinkedIn community group will allow you to ask questions of the speakers, share micro-learnings from the sessions, and help each other. This is a collaborative community where you will be able to share best practices and solve problems.

Business Strategies For Visually Problem-Solving Revealed By The Top Business Leaders In The World

Your journey to figure out how to quickly get your business into a strong position could go one of two ways:

Long and Difficult Way

  • You could spend thousands of dollars and countless hours trying to implement “OLD” outdated business strategies you’ve learned from “so-called experts” that aren’t that effective anymore (or worse… don’t work at all!) if you’d like to get results fast. 

Easy & Fast Way

  • You could sign up for Virtual Lean Summit today and get real insights from the top business experts from around the world and a step-by-step guides to each of these master classes designed to quickly get you producing even greater improvements.

If you’re looking for your average, run-of-the-mill virtual summit, or one that sells the hype but fails to deliver on substance, then you’ve come to the wrong place.  The primary focus of our speakers is to provide value to everyone of you that attend their sessions.

If you’re looking for the top BUSINESS strategies that are working right now TO HELP YOU Visually Solve Problems, then you’re AT THE RIGHT home.


Jared Thatcher

Hi, I’m Jared Thatcher.I’ve been a small business owner, construction worker, management consultant, manufacturing plant manger, and a continuous improvement enthusiast.  I was part of a project management team that saved a company over $1.1 billion dollars over three years, and I’ve generated multiple million dollar cost savings ideas for over a dozen companies throughout my career.As I was sheltering in place I wished there was something I could do to help my friends and family save their jobs and their businesses.  I realized that there was something I could do.  The same principles I have been using to help the businesses I’ve consulted for, I could share with small businesses from around the world. I felt inspired to put on this virtual summit and to bring together some of the top industry leaders from around the world to reveal their strategies to small business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees that want to discover how they can bounce back from this pandemic.If you are ready to put in the work, we are here to help you and your business to Bounce Back!

How’d You Like To Access the60+ World-Class Experts helping you in the  Virtual Lean Summit Masterclasses?

These sessions will show you the strategies that the top people in business use and recommend. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.

© 2021 Virtual Lean Summit is curated by Jared Thatcher.